
Hola the Mark….

A quick question, a cry for help: I need to give a UK colleague an accurate description of what Brenda Fassie’s Vulindlela is all about, and being a dumb english-only speaking whitey, I can’t….

*hangs her head in shame*

Anyone able to help me out?

10 thoughts on “MaBrrr

  1. sundayschild says:

    And vulindlela means ‘clear the way’ or clean the path.

  2. ramon says:

    If no one helps you, man, I’m here. Your last resort. This is how much it means to me: Tell the colleague it’s all about being a free woman in a society where the male is still considered the ‘dude’ .

    *shit, I suck*

    But it might work.

  3. ramon says:

    Close. Very fuckin’ close.

  4. dolce says:

    Thanks – any chance of more detail? Is it a happy wedding song? What is being “cleared” from the path or is it more of a “make way for the couple”??

    I really appreciate this!

  5. dolce says:

    you crack me up china! Bloody good guess!

  6. bluepeter says:

    hey D

    Here’s what I found from a quick search:

    Take one of her latest 1999 hits Vulindlela … The opening of this song is breathstopping. The pure high siren voice is spine tingling and immediately transports a listener into regions he or she has not long visited, places of innocence and freshness. She forces the listener off to memories of childhood and it is astonishing to realize a 34 year old woman could sing with such heartbreaking candour that reminds you of a child’s innocence and at the same time a timid virgin’s trembly expectations for her wedding night for Vulindlela is Brenda’s wedding song.

    So maybe the “clearing of the path” has another connotation (ie. ending of virginity). Sounds plausible…

  7. sundayschild says:

    on multiple levels – in one sense clearing the path for the couple to walk down, in another clearing the way for the start of a new life… it’s about clearing things up so there’s room for (positive) change, which is why the ANC appropriated the song for its ’99 election campaign…

    it’s a GREAT track (but then most of Ma Brrrrrr’s are…)

  8. dolce says:

    This is great – just what I needed! Ta. And ja, MaBrrr’s stuff is very cool. Even if I don’t understand it all the time 🙂

  9. dolce says:

    Loss of virginity hey? Working on some Freud this week by any chance?

    But I like it! 😉 Vulindlela indeed.

  10. marco says:

    that was just a joke on clare’s blog, so how’s the mash and chips no pasta hey.

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