
So, I’m dwaaling in the traffic yesterday. Arm on the door, chin in hand, staring at the mountain, wondering about what to have for dinner as the car idles at the light on the corner of Kromboom.

And the car next to me hoots. I turn. And some gold-capped toothed gansta wannbe in a pimped out polo player, packed full with his Young American mates, snaps my photo with his camera phone.

And now I’m wondering. Where is that photo now? For what nefarious purpose did they take it? Were they just fuckin’ with me? Or are those boys sitting somewhere, with a nicely tapped cream pipe and some buttons, laughing over their collection of startled traffic pics.

How strange, this feeling, that somewhere a stranger has my picture stored in his phone. It’s faintly violating.

But even as I shudder, on the edge of consciousness, if I’m honest, I’m hoping my hair was ok, that I wasn’t squinting into the sun. How odd.

But still, I can’t help thinking. About the secret life of that other me. Who now belongs to someone else. And I remember those stories of tribal people who believed that photos took a part of the soul. Silly. But resonating.

14 thoughts on “Click

  1. flutter says:

    Our fair Dolce….

    Postergirl for the Young Americans!!

  2. dolce says:

    just what I’ve always wanted.

    Free knee cappin’ and majat on tap.

    Oh, and all the passion gaps you can handle, my bru.

  3. simont says:

    Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinus alacribus et fructuosis potiri potes!

  4. flutter says:

    Look on the bright side..

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    You could have your very own ‘homies’ and you get to wear as much bling as you like, especially those gold falsies… 🙂

  5. dolorez says:

    What these dickheads get up to at night.
    And why is it usually men that act so strangely?

    Not passion gaps!

  6. dolorez says:

    What these dickheads get up to at night.
    And why is it usually men that act so strangely?

    Not passion gaps!

  7. dolce says:

    and I’m not interested enough to google a translation.

  8. simont says:

    If you can read this sign, you can get a good job in the fast-paced, high-paying world of Latin

  9. dolce says:

    I don’t do bling. It makes me cross. I can’t help thinking about how many years of varsity have been squandered on the rotting teeth of the terminally cool.

  10. flutter says:

    I makes me so angry to see people who can least afford it, bling up their cars when they don’t even have a home! Worse still seeing a women who is blinged to the teeth when she can’t even afford to take care of her kids.

  11. bovinerebel says:

    How many years of varsity have been squandered on the rotting teeth of the terminally cool ?

    brilliant .

    I don’t see why we tolerate this as a society …teenagers are obviouslt incapable of knowing what they want…why do we give them rights ? Shit , we lock up the adult “mentally ill” people…why can’t we do the same with teenagers ?

    It’s like america…..give people the right to be ignorant , self centred , shallow , materialistic , uneducated idiots…and they will use it…

  12. kchasu says:

    Probably a serial killer. Not to be alarmist or anything.

  13. Hey Dolce, I made it here. It was a trek but I did it!

    What’s news? Still want my lovekids? Or you gone off that idea?




  14. fishboy says:

    See what happens when they do that in America:

    uneducated using big words

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